On the day that will be removed, the parents are asked to make their child sit in hot water for 1 hour before coming to the clinic. Soap or shampoo can be put into the water, there is no objection, it is especially recommended. It is important
to bring the child to the clinic without loosing time.
While removing , from the far tip the white nipping apparatus two branches are cut and these branches are opened through sides.
By the help of tip of the lancet, by pushing the nipped cover with
dorsal penis, the white nipping apparatus is removed.
After the white nipping apparatus is removed, we see brown or black 2-3 mm necrosis skin ring. In this stage, local anesthetic sprays can be applied and wait for a moment. Necrosis cover can be abraded by nail tip; also it can be removed by scratching vertically in 12-9-3 lines with a lancet. The second way is recommended. Especially in overweighed children and infants; more scratching will break the entirety of the necrosis cover and it will prevent the post-circumcision fimosis.
After the tube is removed, penis skin is draw back and the mucosa can be uncovered.There are operators who wait for healing without drawing back the penis skin. They claim that this implementation decreases the growing of edema. For the aesthetic evaluation, it is recommended to draw back the penis skin in first 50 circumcisions.
In the photos, you see the mucosa, necrosis cover and penis skin just after removing the device. In this circumcision the device removed on 3rd day. That there is no edema on penis and mucosa show the ascendancy of above other invasive circumcision methods. In surgical and sutured circumcisions, on the third day the penis is extremely dropsical,
hyperemic and sensitive.
After removing ; a good amount of antibiotic cream is applied to penis. After that the penis is covered using gauze and the underwear is worn.
The family should be reminded to remove the gauze after 1 hour.
Otherwise the gauze may stick to the penis.